Monday, August 06, 2007

Pre-Order Mind + Body (Autographed)!

Though the book isn't technically done (I'm still going through the wording and finding all kinds of annoying mistakes) I'll start taking pre-orders for autographed pre-published copies. These will be finalized, but pre-published versions meaning they'll wont be from a publishing house or available for sale at any store. They'll be 6"x9", the size of a regular hardcover book, and they'll be autographed by me, made out to whoever you want (nobody named "eBay buyer" please). It'll look a great deal like this.

No definite date for when they'll be shipping, but it'll most likely be inside of a month.

The price is $25. If I get famous later, these will be rare and valuable! Also, anybody who pre-orders through here will be considered part of an elite club. What happens inside this elite club? Well, in the event that I write the sequel in a format other than how I wrote this one (posting each chapter online to the public as I write it), people in the elite club will still be able to read chapters as I write them. More on that if it comes up.

Interested? Click here to pre-order.


Anonymous said...

Is there any way to get in the elite klub, perhaps for a smaller price then $25, if we don't want the book?

Anonymous said...

$25, A bit overpriced =/

(me again!)